Eclaire Fare

Enjoying Pop Culture, One Bite at a Time

CSI: A Retrospective September 26, 2015

Filed under: Memories — Emily @ 5:53 pm
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Fifteen years ago, I was a first year graduate student at the University of Alabama. It was my first time living on my own (all my family and friends lived 5+ hours away), and when I moved to Tuscaloosa, I only knew one person there. That first year, I was attending school on a fellowship, which meant that I was given a monthly stipend to live on while I was working on my Masters in English.

Since I barely knew anyone in town, and since I didn’t have a job, I spent a lot of time alone in my little apartment those first few months. I used my free AOL dial-up to connect to the Internet and chat with friends on ICQ, or download music on Napster. But my constant companion during the fall of 2000 was television. Every night, I would sit down with my bowl of cereal or bagged spinach salad or Lipton noodles, and see what my favorite characters were up to. While I was firmly entrenched in the WB at that time (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Roswell, and Dawson’s Creek were all appointment tv), there was one new show that intrigued me.


The original cast of CSI. These were my people!

What I remember about the pilot episode is a lot of blue lighting and an unusual amount of screen time for a pair of shoes. I was skeptical of this show about unusually attractive crime scene investigators because it was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, who, at the time, I only associated with over the top explosions, dramatic electric guitar background music, and slow motion shots of groups of people walking forward (think Con Air and Armageddon). Despite my reservations, I just couldn’t seem to look away when the case of the week was revealed in the opening segment. And so began my on-again, off-again relationship with CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Over the next few seasons, I enjoyed getting to know the characters just as much as trying to solve the crime. Would Warrick ever overcome his gambling addiction? Would Catherine ever get the respect she deserved? How was Nick such a nice guy when so many bad things happened to him? What made Grissom see the world so differently than everyone else? During that first solitary year of graduate school, and especially during the uncertain, dark days after 9/11, I took comfort in escaping into these characters’ lives and the fictional cases they investigated.

Fast forward a few years, and I was introduced to the wonders of Tivo! No longer confined to the limitations of live tv and one VCR, I expanded my list of shows. Somehow, when compared to Lost, Alias, 24, and Veronica Mars, Grissom and company were no longer appointment tv. And so, for a few years, I parted ways with this band of crafty crime solvers.

Fast forward to 2008. My life had changed a lot since the days of eating meager dinners in front of the tv in my 400 sq. ft. apartment in Tuscaloosa. I’d gotten married, finished graduate school, moved to Dallas, started teaching college writing courses, bought a house… And on March 1, 2008, Brad and I became parents!

One day as I sat in the living room nursing newborn Benjamin and flipping channels, I stumbled across an old episode of CSI on Spike TV. I was quickly drawn back into that world, and I wanted to catch up on what I’d been missing the last few seasons. Much to my delight, I discovered that Spike TV had nothing better to do than air several episodes of CSI everyday. Anyone who has experienced the challenges of breastfeeding knows that it’s not unusual to spend hours a day (or night) confined to a chair while feeding your baby. And so, in a different stage of life than my grad school days, CSI had resumed its place as my companion in a time of solitude. For the next few months, I became reacquainted with Grissom, Catherine, Nick, and the whole gang. I watched multiple episodes a day, and before I knew it, I was all caught up. I have vivid memories of watching episodes in the middle of the night, when our house was totally quiet and it was just me, the baby, and my pals in the crime lab. (I wouldn’t join Facebook until later that year, so I didn’t yet have my NewsFeed as a source of round the clock community.)

I guess now I could dub my marathon viewing of the first eight seasons “the great CSI binge watch of 2008.” Binge watching is easy these days, with a Netflix or Hulu subscription and some time to spare, but I had to get creative to record all the episodes, even with Tivo’s help. There were highs and lows in this batch of episodes: I was fascinated by the miniature killer story arc, and I was devastated by Warrick’s untimely death. Eventually, my rekindled fascination with the show waned, when I decided that the more gruesome or tragic episodes were too much for my newfound maternal feelings to handle.

While I was intrigued by Laurence Fishburne’s addition to the cast, his presence wasn’t enough to carry the show after William Petersen’s departure. My last exposure to CSI was probably in 2010. I’ve only heard bits and pieces about Ted Danson and Elisabeth Shue being on the show, and that never seemed right to me. I still think of him as a bartender on Cheers and of her as Daniel’s girlfriend in The Karate Kid. Why are they now the leads on a crime drama? I hadn’t really thought about CSI at all for a few years until I saw a headline this morning about its series finale, which will air as a tv movie tomorrow night. When I read that Grissom, Catherine, and many of the other former characters would be returning, I knew that I had to watch it. It will be nice to revisit these old “friends” who I spent time with off and on over the last decade and a half of my life. Not even Jerry Bruckheimer and his cliched production values could ruin this highly stylized, clever, engaging show. While it might have gone on a few seasons too long, and while I could do without the comical number of spin-offs it has led to, CSI has earned its place in television history as a crime procedural with likable characters and clever execution. Thanks for the memories!


My Week without Facebook July 2, 2012

Filed under: Memories,Uncategorized — Emily @ 6:03 pm

Imagine a world without status updates, Instagrams, Spotify updates, birthday notifications, etc. That has been my reality for the last seven days, as I just wrapped up a week without Facebook. Did I go through severe withdrawal? No. Did I cheat and take a peek at my News Feed to see what I was missing? Nope, not even once. Did my real life productivity increase dramatically? Not really. Did I miss checking Facebook several times a day? Well, yes and no.

Overall, I found my week without Facebook to be very refreshing. The first couple of days I had trouble adjusting. I kept catching myself glancing over at my laptop (which I keep on the kitchen counter) to see if I had any of those little red notifications that pop up at the top of my News Feed. Of course, Facebook wasn’t even open on my computer, but my automatic reflex made me realize how attached I have become to Facebook. Checking Facebook on my phone while at the park, in my kitchen while I’m cooking dinner, etc. has become second nature. I’ve become so connected to the outside world that I’m sometimes neglectful of the more tangible things around me (kids, house, laundry…).

So, without Facebook there to distract me at every turn, I found myself more relaxed and enjoying moments that I otherwise might miss, such as sitting and chatting with my four year old when he first wakes up, watching him and his brother play at the park, and even reading for two straight hours during the kids’ nap time. Of course, the first couple of days I found myself trying to replace the lack of Facebook with other online sources, including Twitter, various blogs, the LA Times, and IMDb. I quickly cut out Twitter, but allowed myself to check the other sites a couple times a day. Otherwise, I felt completely disconnected from the outside world and was afraid I would miss something important. (As it turns out, the most significant news of the week was the Supreme Court’s passing of the healthcare legislation, the Colorado wildfires, and Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ split.)

Despite my feelings of isolation and disconnect, it was surprisingly easy to “survive” without Facebook for a week. I was reminded who my closest friends are (whether or not Facebook has suggested them as a Top Friend). They were the ones I texted, emailed, called, or hung out with (in person – imagine that!), and the ones I truly missed reading status updates from. I was also reminded of what life before Facebook was like. For me, it was only four years ago that I joined the world’s largest social network. Before that time, I read a lot more blogs, maintained my own blogs much more consistently, read various entertainment and news websites, etc. I didn’t spend as much time online then as I do now (partly because I didn’t yet own an iPhone), but it wasn’t like I was spending my time writing letters and reading classic thousand page novels either. Facebook wasn’t the start of my time wasting on the Internet, it just replaced many of my former online activities.

However, most of you would probably agree with me that Facebook is the biggest online time waster. I’m not saying that it is a complete waste of time; it’s just easy to spend too much time on it. So, while my week off didn’t make me want to quit Facebook entirely, it did make me reevaluate the amount of time I spend on it. But how do you set boundaries and cut back on something that is constantly enticing you with new information?! My first steps are these: 1) Stop checking Facebook on my phone, and 2) Limit my Facebooking to a few times a day (morning, noon, night) and then close it, rather than always leaving it open on my browser. Sounds simple enough, but I’m sure it will be easy to fall back into old habits of checking it constantly.

What do I hope to accomplish by reducing my Facebook time? A more balanced life, perhaps. Without Facebook always calling my name from my phone and laptop, I can focus more on my family and the never ending list of to-dos. But it will also free up some time for me to pursue other hobbies that have been neglected because of Facebook. Maybe I’ll get back into blogging (as I’m doing right now!). And finally catch up with my ongoing project of printing out digital photos and putting them in albums. And read more books! I was amazed that last week I blew through the second half of a 970 page book – reading nearly 500 pages in a week is normally unheard of for me, but all those extra minutes that I wasn’t on Facebook translated into hundreds more pages read in A Clash of Kings.

So why won’t I quit Facebook all together? Well, I think it is an important part of our society. It is bigger now than just a way to waste time, or an opportunity to find out whatever happened to so and so from high school. Facebook is how we stay connected to many important people in our lives. When we moved from Dallas to California last year, Facebook became an even more important part of my life, because it helps me keep in touch with family and friends who I would otherwise lose contact with, and it helps me not miss them so much! And, as a stay at home mom, Facebook is an important connection to the outside world, even if it’s just to my other mom friends who live around the block. When I’m feeling isolated, it’s nice that I can log in and see what someone else is making for dinner, what vacation they just returned from, what movie they plan to see this weekend, etc. That may sound dull and unimportant to someone who leads a more exciting life than I do, but it means a lot to me!

Do I recommend that everyone do their own Facebook-free experiment? Sure, why not? Whether you take off a day, a week, or a month, taking a break can be very eye opening. It helps you see where your priorities are, how you spend (or don’t spend) your time, and how integral (or disposable) Facebook really is in your daily life. If you do take a break, let me know how it goes, and good luck!


Fall 2011 Preview: The CW’s New Shows September 9, 2011

Filed under: Fall Preview,Television — Emily @ 5:00 pm
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Sarah Michelle Gellar returns to tv in Ringer, the CW's most promising new show.

I’m officially too old for this network. Although, I’m still watching Supernatural – not sure why – it’s not as good as it used to be and probably should have ended two seasons ago. And this year the only new show I’m interested in is Ringer. Only because Sarah Michelle Gellar is the star. Anyone else and I wouldn’t even consider watching it. They aren’t giving much info about the actual premise, other than that she is posing as her twin sister who disappeared or something. Another positive is that Jason Dohring (Logan on Veronica Mars) has been added to the cast. On that note, count me in!

The other shows:

  • Hart of Dixie – Looks painfully sweet and sappy, and I’m not too impressed with Rachel Bilson’s acting. All these shows that take Northerners or big city dwellers down south to small town America are so cliched and get a lot of things wrong. And Rachel Bilson as a brilliant surgeon? Really?
  • H8R – The name alone would keep me away from this “reality” show, but then I find out that it’s even worse than I thought. Mario Lopez is the host (go away!), and it focuses on “stars” like Snookie and some other people I’ve never heard of. I’m pretty sure only people who watch E! or MTV know these stars. It’s about celebrities confronting the people who hate on them. Sounds like a very silly premise. Am I really supposed to feel sorry for these “famous” people because someone doesn’t like them? Obviously, I’m very irritated by this show. I hope it’s an instant failure.
  • The Secret Circle – Not so much interested in this one. Trying to continue capitalizing on Vampire Diaries success, no doubt. But doesn’t that show have witches in addition to vampires and werewolves? This show apparently focuses solely on witches. Not sure this one will catch on. But you never know with CW. Vampire Diaries didn’t look too promising when it started, and it has a huge following now.

So that’s it. Weak offerings, CW, very weak. Then again, maybe I’m just too old to see the genius in them. 😉   After all, the old folks probably complained about Buffy and Angel back in the day.


Fall 2011 Preview: Fox’s New Shows

Filed under: Fall Preview,Fringe,Glee,Television — Emily @ 4:46 pm

"New Girl" is a refreshingly funny sitcom that I look forward to watching this fall.

This fall, Fox is too busy overhyping Glee and its newest Idol wannabe to leave much room on the schedule for new shows. So this won’t take very long:

  • Terra Nova – You’ve probably seen promos for this – it seems to be the Fox show they are promoting heavily. It’s a cross between Jurassic Park and Avatar, and I am not super interested, but I do like the guy from Life on Mars (Jason O’Mara) that stars in it. So, I’ll check out the pilot at least. I’m not very crazy about dinosaurs (I only watched Jurassic Park when it had been out for nearly ten years, and I hated it), so I hope the focus is on the characters and not the things trying to eat them.
  • Allen Gregory/I Hate My Teenage Daughter – Meh. One is a cartoon about a super intelligent and mature seven year old. The other is about two incompetent single moms trying to raise their teenage daughters. My guess is that neither one will do particularly well.
  • The X Factor – Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul try to reclaim their former Idol glory, and just as my interest in that show continues to wane (I still can’t believe how weak the finalists were this past season!), I just don’t care about this one. I haven’t even investigated it – just another talent competition.
  • New Girl – I am actually very interested in this one. Zoey Deschanel is just so cute, charming, and funny. The trailer looked pretty funny, and I like that she has a trio of male roommates who are trying to help her get back on her feet after a bad breakup. Seems different and funny. I’ve already seen the pilot thanks to Tivo’s free preview, and it was laugh out loud funny. The characters are not your stereotypical sitcom types. They are quirky but likeable, even after just the first few minutes of the show. Make a point to watch this one – it’s worth your time! I especially loved the use of Dirty Dancing references and music in the pilot episode. Instant classic.

Mid season will mark the premiere of Alcatraz, which has potential since it comes from J.J. Abrams and has Jorge Garcia. But like many supernatural shows, it may be too specific to last very long. Another new show will be Touch, which sounds very convoluted and complex. But I’m interested in it because it has Kiefer Sutherland playing a loving father to an autistic 11 year old who happens to have a very special gift of seeing the interconnectedness of events that other people can’t see. Or something like that. Those shows usually don’t last very long (remember Flashforward? – probably not…), but maybe since they have a few more months to work on it, the showrunners will get this one right.

So I will be watching The New Girl, along with returning favorite Fringe. In my opinion, this sci-fi gem is by far the best show on Fox. Every season it reinvents itself or adds another layer of complexity and excitement. I was skeptical about the alternate universe last season, but after a few episodes I was hooked and was equally interested in both storylines (over here and over there). However, I am on the fence about Glee. I still haven’t been interested enough in it to finish watching all of last season. The final three episodes are waiting on my Tivo. A few issues I have with it: overpromotion, weak to nonexistent plots, and inconsistent (if any) character development. Suddenly last season almost all of the teenagers on the show were completely self-centered and even vindictive toward their fellow gleeks. Why watch a show that doesn’t have any likeable characters? I have heard about some behind the scenes changes, so I am willing to give the show another chance. But if things don’t change soon I will have no regrets jumping off the Glee bandwagon. What will you be watching this fall on Fox?


Fall 2011 Preview: CBS’s New Shows September 7, 2011

Filed under: Fall Preview,Television — Emily @ 5:04 pm

Person of Interest is the only remotely interesting new show on CBS this fall.

Other than a few notable exceptions, CBS generally makes shows for old(er) people, tries too hard to make shows that will appeal to younger people, or simply makes shows that are borrring. And so the trend continues with this fall’s small batch of new shows.

  • How to Be a Gentleman – I’ll start with the worst one. Another “man’s man” show (apparently the big theme this year on all networks), this one has Kevin Dillon playing a “real man” who makes it his mission to transform this other guy from a weakling into a strong man. Chloe from 24 and Murray from Flight of the Conchords won’t be enough to save this one. Murray was extremely annoying in the trailer. That actor seems stuck in unfortunate type casting. Sadly, this show may succeed with a certain audience.
  • 2 Broke Girls – Really bad name, never heard of the actors, and a bland premise about two waitresses befriending each other. Who knows? Maybe it could be the next “Laverne and Shirley,” but I doubt it.
  • A Gifted Man – This one creeps me out, mainly because the main actor looks creepy. Oh wait, it’s Patrick Wilson, who played that weirdo guy in Watchmen (I suffered through the extended bluray version of that movie…). No wonder I don’t like him. So this one is about a surgeon whose wife dies and starts to explain the meaning of life to him in spirit form. What, is she going to look over his shoulder and tell him how to perform open heart surgery? Not interested. [Now some of the critics actually say this one is pretty well done, but I’m just not interested enough in the premise or the cast to check it out.]
  • Unforgettable – CBS seems to be running out of gimmicks for crime procedurals. In this one the main detective remembers every single detail of her life, except for her sister’s murder. Bummer for her. Easy one to skip for me.
  • Person of Interest – I saved the best for last. Michael Emerson’s presence is the main thing that makes this one interesting. He plays a man who designed a machine for the government that deciphers all the email/texts/etc. that the government has secretly been tracking since 9/11. The machine basically weeds out all the miscellaneous info and helps predict events that are going to happen. Sounds a little like Minority Report. So Michael Emerson teams up with a detective sort played by Jim Caviezel to help track down potential suspects or victims before it’s too late. I am sure Emerson will be very good in this role, but I’m not sure about the overall premise.

I just realized that I don’t watch a single show on CBS, and I doubt any of these new comedies and dramas will be added to my must-see lineup. There are a number of shows on CBS that I used to watch, but whenever I need to pare down by list of shows, this network seems like an easy place to start. I would still enjoy, but no longer watch: The Mentalist, How I Met Your Mother, Amazing Race, CSI. Will you be watching anything on CBS this fall?


Fall 2011 Preview: NBC’s New Shows September 6, 2011

"Up All Night" just may be my most anticipated show of the fall.

A couple of days ago I previewed ABC’s new shows. Next up is NBC, whose primetime lineup is so cluttered with Dancing with the Stars and other mediocre reality shows that there is only room for a handful of new offerings. Very few of these look promising:

  • Free Agents – The only thing this show has going for it is that Anthony Stewart Head is in it. But he plays “the boss,” so I doubt that will be very interesting. This show is about “two recently heartbroken coworkers desperately trying to put their lives back together.” Yawn… The only buzz about this show among the critics is that it will likely be one of the first to get the axe.
  • Grimm – Okay, so this show looks like it wants to be better than it actually will be. But I will at least watch the pilot since it is written and produced by Angel/Buffy guy David Greenwalt. I think Once Upon a Time will be the better fairy tale show this season. This one may be too procedural in nature. The main guy is a detective who is also one in a long line of “grimms,” protectors of humanity from the monsters that really exist. It looks like he’s trying to find the “Big Bad Wolf” and save a little girl in the pilot episode. Maybe a little too specific, and too strange a combo of normal procedural with fantasy. That’s the problem I had with Alex O’Loughlin’s Moonlight, and it ended up being short-lived. That being said, I am intrigued by Silas Weir Mitchell’s “reformed grimm” character, who acts as an informant for the main character. Could add an interesting dynamic to the show.
  • Prime Suspect and Whitney – These two shows have nothing in common except that I have no interest in either one. American remakes of British shows don’t usually succeed, and just because a comedian is funny doing standup doesn’t mean they will find Seinfeld level success on tv. The show pages didn’t do anything to draw my attention to the story, characters, or actors. Moving on.
  • The Playboy Club – Another rip-off of Mad Men, with this one being offensive to me because of the whole blatantly objectifying women thing. It’s like the NBC powers that be said, “Hey, I bet people would watch a show where women bounce around in playboy bunny costumes…” Supposedly they will feature storylines about women’s rights and equality and such, but it’s hard to take those topics seriously in a playboy club setting.
  • Up All Night – I’m really excited about this one! What’s not to love about Will Arnett, Christina Applegate, and Maya Rudolph? (As an aside, if you haven’t watched Bridesmaids, save it to your Netflix queue – so funny, if also highly inappropriate.) Anyone who currently has a baby, is suffering from sleep deprivation, or is navigating the unfamiliar landscape of parenthood, can relate to this show very well right now. Will and Christina are new parents to a baby girl, and he is a stay at home dad while she resumes her career. Maya Rudolph plays her well meaning boss who is totally clueless about kids. It looks really, really funny. Hope it lives up to my expectations!

So there you have it. I will check out Up All Night, and with a more skeptical eye, Grimm. NBC hasn’t had a great track record with dramas in recent years, but it is home to my current favorite drama, Parenthood, and one of my all time faves, Friday Night Lights. I also admit that The Sing-Off is a guilty pleasure for me. I’ll probably get caught watching it from time to time this season. NBC’s main strength, though, is still its comedies. The Office is past its prime, but I’m still loving 30 Rock and Community. Which NBC shows will you be watching this fall?


Fall 2011 Preview: ABC’s New Shows September 4, 2011

Filed under: Fall Preview,Television — Emily @ 5:22 pm
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One of ABC's most intriguing new shows

I love this time of year! The summer heat starts to dissipate, the kids go back to school, and the tv networks launch a plethora of new shows. Every year I enjoy researching these shows before they ever air: who stars in them? what are they about? what shows are they up against? And most importantly, why should I care? With that in mind, I’d like to share my initial impressions of the five biggest networks’ new offerings. I’ll start with ABC, since, as usual, they have the most promising new crop of comedies and dramas.

  • Apt. 23 – This roommate comedy has a naive midwesterner choosing her new roommate (Krysten Ritter, the girl from Veronica Mars and Breaking Bad), because she is friends with James Van Der Beek. That’s about the only interesting thing about the show, and all the characters seem pretty unlikable. It is funny that James Van Der Beek plays himself, but I think that will get old. Think I’ll skip this one.
  • GCB – I think that if you want to go there and name a show something controversial like “Good Christian Bitches” then you should own it and not shorten it to GCB. No one knows what that means! They should have found a more suitable name that wouldn’t alienate much of what is probably their target audience. I hear that at one point they changed the name to “Good Christian Belles,” but I’m sure they want a name that conveys a snarkier tone. It is about a woman returning to her hometown of Dallas after a nasty divorce, only to encounter the mean-spirited ladies she went to high school with. Based on the trailer, this show looks like it is trying too hard to be clever. I would totally skip this one, but Kristin Chenoweth is in it, so I may at least watch the pilot. I also think it’s weird that Leslie Bibb is playing mother to a teenager! She was on that WB show Popular when I was in graduate school 10 years ago! That wasn’t really that long ago, was it?
  • Charlie’s Angels, Last Man Standing, Man Up – I lump all these together because they seem to emphasize the same thing: females are starting to dominate the world. Do we really need a Charlie’s Angels tv show again? The first movie was okay, the sequel was so so. I’m not interested. And Last Man Standing is basically Home Improvement 2.0. Man Up seems mediocre at best. Not even worth writing about here.
  • Missing – Sounds like it has potential with Ashley Judd as a former CIA operative on a mission to find her missing college aged son in Europe. Perhaps too specific a plot to last long, but I’ll watch the pilot.
  • Pan Am – This is ABC’s obvious attempt to recreate the success of Mad Men. May be too stylized to work on network tv. I don’t find myself very interested, but then I never got into Mad Men either. Unlike Mad Men, there isn’t much buzz about this show. Critics are calling it boring and saying you’ll fall asleep watching it.
  • Revenge – This one stars Emily Van Camp as a woman out for revenge against a bunch of rich people for destroying her father’s life. What happened to our sweet Amy Abbott from Everwood? Could be a good soapy show, plus it marks the return of Nick Wechsler (Kyle on Roswell) to tv! (He’s been floating around as an occasional guest star for the past decade…)
  • The River – I enjoyed the preview for this one. Features some good actors (Joe Anderson, Leslie Hope, etc.), and looks pretty spooky! I like a good adventure thriller, so I’ll check this one out. It centers on the mysterious disappearance of a popular wildlife expert in the Amazon, and when his family and crew go on a quest to find him, they stumble upon something frightening and deadly.
  • Scandal – This is the one that stars our beloved Desmond (Henry Ian Cusack) from Lost. For that alone I’ll watch the pilot. But it actually looks really good. Not necessarily a show you’d have to watch every week, either. But it looks very well done. It’s about a team of lawyers whose job is to make their clients’ scandals go away. The premise doesn’t sound too exciting, but the trailer actually made it look pretty riveting.
  • Suburgatory – Hate the name, somewhat offended by the obvious mockery of the suburbs since that’s where I live! But this one actually looks like it has similar humor to Clueless, which I loved. Fitting, then, that it stars Jeremy Sisto (he played Elton), but how weird that he’s the dad! He moves his teenage daughter to the suburbs, where she is less than impressed by her fellow students and everyone else. It also stars Alan Tudyk (Dollhouse, V, Firefly), who is overdue for a successful show, and Ana Gasteyer. I’ll check this one out.
  • Work It – Worst. Idea. Of. This. Season. The preview was embarrassingly awful to watch! This is Cavemen bad. If it succeeds, then there is definitely something wrong with Americans. It’s about two unemployed car salesmen who dress as women to get jobs as pharmaceutical reps. A similar premise may have worked for Tom Hanks in the early ’80s show Bosom Buddies, but I just have no interest.
  • Once Upon a Time – I am excited about this one! I am intrigued by the cast (Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parilla, etc.), anything from the Lost writers must be pretty good, and it has that epic feel to it. Hope it finds an audience! Like everyone else, I’m having trouble understanding exactly what it’s about, so I’ll just say that it’s about the real world and fairy tales colliding.

So there you have it: ABC’s new shows for 2011-2012. Some of these won’t premiere until midseason, but it’s good for the network to advertise them now. I’m not completely sold on any of these shows, but I am hopeful that at least Once Upon a Time and Suburgatory will be worth adding to my viewing lineup. Which of these shows are you looking forward to or rolling your eyes at?


SYTYCD Season 8: Ranking the Top 12 Couples July 14, 2011

Filed under: So You Think You Can Dance,Television — Emily @ 5:14 pm

Melanie and Marco: this season's power couple

While I have been enjoying this season of So You Think You Can Dance, I have been underwhelmed by most of the couples. I am excited to see how the introduction of all-stars next week will breathe new life into some contestants who have been hindered or overshadowed by their current partners. Now that we’ve had a chance to get to know the remaining couples pretty well, and since they will be split up starting next week, I thought I’d take a moment to rank them from best to worst. These ranking are based less on individual talent, more on the chemistry and stage presence of the couples.

  1. Melanie and Marco – They are this season’s powerhouse couple. (Previous seasons’ power couples include s4 Katee and Joshua and s6 Ashleigh and Jakob.) I don’t think anyone would argue that they aren’t the current frontrunners. Yes, they’ve had some help from the cameras, the lighting, and the judges’ gushing praise, but even without all that they are both phenomenal dancers who light up the stage every time they perform. I haven’t loved every one of their routines, but like Sonya said last night, they always perform with a confidence that enables the audience to sit back and just enjoy the dancing. Their success from this point on will depend on which all stars they are paired with, and whether or not they are able to sustain the same performance quality and chemistry as they have had with each other. Those will be difficult standards to live up to, but I know they are capable.
  2. Caitlynn and Mitchell – Based on their presence in the bottom three couples more than once this season, this pair isn’t super popular with most viewers. But they are actually my second favorite. They are both beautiful people and dancers, and they work well together. Caitlynn really seems to trust Mitchell, as he has been able to toss and twirl her around the stage with ease every week. Like this week’s guest judge, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, I didn’t “get” the message of their first performance last night, but that wasn’t their fault. And while their second performance was fine, I was almost embarrassed to watch it, since Caitlynn looks about 15 to me. Her costume and choreography just seemed a little too “adult” for her. My favorite of their dances this season has been last week’s Mandy Moore contemporary. I’m not a huge fan of Celine Dion’s overdramatic pop ballads, but their dancing was beautiful and believable.
  3. Jordan and Tadd – Jordan and Tadd are this season’s “cute couple.” (Similar to Neil and Lauren several seasons back.) Most of their performances have been pretty bubble gum: sweet, cute, but not much substance. This may be to cover up the fact that Tadd is not as versatile and talented (outside of his own style) as most of the other contestants. The vulture, the princess, the other princess one… Most of their routines have showcased Jordan’s talents, while Tadd has been an also ran. But let’s be honest, on this show, even a sub par male dancer can survive if he dances without his shirt on (Neil’s shirtlessness almost carried him right to the grand prize!). Since that happened last night, I think he’ll be safe for at least another week. With new partners next week, Jordan has the potential to do really well, but Tadd may struggle.
  4. Clarice and Jess – I don’t have much to say about Clarice, but I must admit that Jess is growing on me. Even though his obnoxious personality initially prevented me from enjoying his performances, I can’t deny that he is an extremely talented dancer with natural charisma. He will be perfect for Broadway, and he has surprised me more than once in other styles this season. Their contemporary performance last week was enjoyable, last nights’ jive was entertaining, and I even bought the lyrical hip hop/artist routine (although the huge creepy portrait of Clarice was unnecessary and distracted me from the performance there at the end). This couple is a clear case of mismatched talent. I don’t want to be rude, but Clarice is not even close to the same level as most of the other girls. I’ve asked myself more than once what she’s still doing here. I think she will be in big trouble next week when she doesn’t have Jess there to carry her. But as long as Jess doesn’t get stuck with ballroom, he could hang around for awhile.
  5. Sasha and Alexander – These are both great dancers, but here is a classic case of greatness being squashed by an absolute lack of chemistry. When I watch them dance together, I feel like I’m just watching them go through the motions of the choreography. There are occasional glimmers of power and talent, but there’s a definite emotional disconnect that inhibits both of them. If they are still around next week (their security is definitely in question), I think they could both benefit from new partners.
  6. Ryan and Ricky – Oh, Ryan and Ricky. Such wonderful alliteration, but somehow it hasn’t worked out nearly as well for them as for Melanie and Marco. She’s too tall, he’s too skinny, when it comes to chemistry, they don’t have any. (I couldn’t resist the urge to go poetic – theirs is such a tragic pairing.) I really enjoyed their zombie fashion show performance last week, but all their other performances have been almost painful to watch. Based on their solos, they are both talented dancers. But I think that neither of them is completely comfortable with the idea of being on national television. (Reminiscent of some past contestants, including season 6’s Channing.) They always seem to hold something back, unlike the “all-in” attitudes of dancers like Melanie and Marco. I have a feeling that Ryan will be going home tonight, and maybe Ricky as well. They may keep him around another week to see how he does with another partner, but it may be too late for both of them.

So that’s my opinion of the Top 12 Couples. Agree? Disagree? Leave your comments below. Check back next week for my rankings of the top ten contestants. (Oh, and fingers crossed that Pasha and Mark are among the all-stars!)


Childhood Memories July 5, 2011

Filed under: 1980s,Books,Memories — Emily @ 6:01 pm

My three year old son has recently become very interested in books – not the super short board books or picture books, but real storybooks. I love that I can sit and read to him, and he’ll actually sit still and listen, fully engrossed, until the story is over. And then, he will ask me to read it again, or to read another one. His new found love for stories made me nostalgic about my favorite books growing up. On a recent visit to my parents’ house, I rummaged around in the closets and dug out some treasures from my childhood. Since I couldn’t take them with me on the move to California (the suitcases were already going to be packed full), I took pictures of them instead. Here are a few of my favorite books, plus a few other things, from my early years:

Do you remember loving any of these books and toys? What were some of your favorites?


Celebrity Sightings April 20, 2011

I have been MIA from this blog for the past few months, mainly because we are in the middle of relocating from Dallas to the L.A. area. We are looking forward to many things about our new home, including the nice weather and being close to many interesting destinations. Another small perk of living near L.A. is that we are likely to spot the occasional celebrity. I’m not one of those people who worships actors and musicians, and I don’t believe that encountering them in public will somehow change my life. After all, they are just people. For me, it’s more of a fun game, to see if I recognize someone famous, and then to observe them to guess what sort of person they are. I’ve only been to California a few times, but since Brad has been out there for work several times a year for the past eight years, I will include his celeb spottings here, too.


  • Noah Wyle – When I was in high school, ER’s Dr. Carter was on my list of attractive famous people (does every teenage girl compile such a list?) So I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed him sitting in first class on my flight to L.A. a couple of weeks ago. The man sitting next to him started talking to me about Peter, and Noah looked up and smiled at us. In that brief moment I observed that he has aged (he’s almost 40!), he was sharply dressed, and was reading a book called The War of Art. You can’t tell much about someone in a few seconds, but I will say that he had kind eyes. You can see Noah on tv again this summer on TNT’s new scifi drama Falling Skies.
  • Thomas Hayden Church – While waiting to board my flight home to Dallas at the Burbank Airport, I recognized this Sideways star immediately. He was buying something at the snack/magazine counter, and appeared to be impatient with the lady behind the counter (I hadn’t been too impressed with her, either.) He is very tall, so it’s hard to miss him. Some of the other passengers started to point him out to each other. He never talked to anyone – he seemed anxious to get on the plane, and in fact was the first person in line for boarding. He was wearing a flannel shirt and cargo pants. I was sitting in the first row behind first class, so I had a view of him during the flight to Dallas. Whenever I looked up at him, he was either sleeping or reading what could have been a script.
  • James Denton – On a previous trip to L.A., I walked past this Desperate Housewives plumber at LAX. He was dressed in a suit, and I was struck by how blue his eyes were!
  • Mike Piazza – Going back about 18 years, when I was an avid Dodger fan, I spotted this Dodger catcher at the Galleria in Houston. My family was in town for an Astros/Dodgers game, and we were hanging out at the Galleria beforehand. Apparently the Dodgers were staying at one of the mall’s hotels, because while we were hanging out at the ice rink, Piazza strode past, looking nice in a suit. We tried to catch up with him for an autograph (of course! I was a teenage girl, and he was on my “cute” list), but he was already to the parking garage and out of sight. A bit later, my dad had a conversation with another Dodger player, Cory Snyder.
  • Quincy Jones – My strangest celebrity encounter happened in June 2009, the day after Michael Jackson died. I was in L.A. visiting my friend Lindsay. We decided to have afternoon coffee and dessert at a popular place called Pan e Vino. You can read all the details here. We both recognized Quincy Jones sitting at a table with family/friends in the corner of the patio opposite from us. It was strange to see someone who was a known friend and associate of Michael Jackson, only hours after Michael’s death. Quincy was dressed in black, whether out of mourning or because that’s his normal thing I don’t know. We guessed that he was with a daughter, son-in-law, and grand child based on their interactions with each other.

Brad – I should ask him to give me some more details about these spottings, but for now I’ll just give a brief run down.

  • Ted Danson – He shared a flight with him one time.
  • Mario Lopez – This was probably the most amusing celeb sighting for Brad. He even took a few discreet pictures with his phone to prove to me that he was sitting next to “Slater” at the airport.
  • Mike Tyson – He and his colleagues actually stopped Mike and asked for a picture at the airport.
  • Coolio – Spotted him walking through an airport
  • Blair Underwood – This has been Brad’s most interesting celebrity encounter. At the time Underwood was appearing on the now canceled show Dirty Sexy Money, and now he is somewhat more recognized as the president on NBC’s 24/Lost wannabe The Event. Brad didn’t just see Blair Underwood. He was actually sitting next to him on the flight to Dallas, and so he conversed with him periodically throughout the flight. As I recall, Underwood was going to Dallas for a funeral. 😦  Brad enjoyed talking with him about the ins and outs of the theater and tv industry, and to a certain extent about Blair’s efforts to remain successful. I would love to have such a conversation with an actor! Maybe one day I’ll have my chance. As someone pointed out to me recently, having babies or small children with you somehow makes conversations with strangers more acceptable.

If you could see or talk to a celebrity in person, who would it be? What would you want to talk to them about?